
Upgrading Pallet Racks with Open Grid Wire Mesh Decks

Upgrading Pallet Racks with Open Grid Wire Mesh Decks

These days we are seeing a large number of companies needing to replace solid wood decking with open grid wire decking. This is primarily due to meet building fire codes, and to avoid issues when the fire inspectors do their annual walk-through of warehouse buildings. The additional benefits of using wire mesh decking over solid wood decks is that it keeps your warehouse and products cleaner by preventing dust accumulation and creating a more free flowing area. Wire decks also assist in loading/unloading pallets from racks much quicker than racks without decking, so they save time and increase efficiency.

Wire Decking Specs:

  • 42″ deep x 58″ wide, 3 Channel, Flared
  • 42″ deep x 46″ wide, 3 Channel, Flared
  • 24″ deep x 46″ wide 3 Channel, Galvanized

Shipping a Truck Load of Wire Mesh Decking from California

We need few days to pull your order together and have delivered.

A combination of pre-owned wiredecks and new ones is always an option when customers need a large number of decks to meet their order size. The lead time on new products to arrive may be different than the pre-owned materials from our storage yard in Ramona, San Diego. Contact our Sales Team and discuss all details before sending your a quote.

Wire Mesh Decking, San Diego and Los Angeles

Open grid flanged wiremesh decks in excellent condition.

We have a large number of different sizes and styles of wire decks available for teardrop pallet rack system.

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